Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thing 17

1.  Interesting and informative site to have joined.  Im particularly interested in some of the course catalog offerings that are online.  Im not really sure if I would use the collaboration center but would definitely use the Reference Center seems to provide resourceful information that I could use in my classroom.

2.  Since I have a Facebook acct that is strictly for my personal use, I went ahead and signed up for Twitter.  One of the people that was suggested to follow was J. Lo.  Really??  Anyway here is my Twitter page.  Just following 11 so far.  Don't know if I would ever use this though with students.  Honestly, I wouldn't have my students follow me or be a part of my Facebook page even if it was strictly used for academic purposes.  I just see too much of a risk with what can be posted on Facebook and Twitter by students.  Plus there are plenty of other avenues to communicate with students via online sources.


4.   Below is the screenshot of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics website.  The purpose of this organization is as follows according to their mission statement :

The cost for membership varies from $104 for Individual membership to $40 for a Student membership.
Some benefits include subscriptions to Journal for Research in Mathematics Education or Mathematics Teacher just to name a few. There are also discounts on all conferences for being a member.

 Skills that I could bring to this organization would be my knowledge of teaching students from diverse ethnic backgrounds, learning  and social economic backgrounds the fun of learning math.

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