Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thing 13

1.  Here is a Google Earth screenshot of the famous Manitou Incline just outside of Colorado Springs, CO.  This was my very first hiking experience and it was tough but totally cool.  The other screenshot is to show you what the incline really looks like and how steep.  I ready to go back and tackle the Incline a few more times.

2.  This is my number one place that I want to visit.  Had the opportunity to visit several years ago but I chose to work summer school.  What was I thinking!?!?

3.  Quizlet

Since I use flashcards all the time in my Geometry classes and the one providing the 3 x 5 notecards or making some from card stock,  Quizlet would be much easier for my students to use and save me time.   Plus they wouldn't lose their note cards.  They could easily quiz themselves on the terminology of the course as well as share their flashcards with others.  I would use it as a review tool that would include vocabulary as well as mathematical images prior to a quiz or test.

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