1. Google Form
Above is a screenshot of the survey I created and would use for my students at the beginning of the school year. I found creating a survey in Google Forms to be easier than in Survey Monkey. Google Forms seems to just be simple, clean and to the point for what I need. And because I find this easy to use, it would be a good tool to quickly survey the class on their learning and their opinions of what was taught. I might not use Google Forms for quizzing students since some of the work I require them to show Im assuming can't be done on the form.
Below are the results of my survey. I enlisted the help of a few teachers and non-teachers since I am not teaching students right now.
2. Rubistar
In the district where I teach each department has a rubric that is used when we give our students their CCR (Closed and Critical Reading) assignment. This assignment is used to collect data on how well our students can process the information they read. Students are asked to write in complete sentences and show all work for any computations. So, what I posted in the above screenshot is similar to what I have been using in my classroom.
3. Data Tools
The data tools that are available in my district allow teachers to access basic student information (i.e. address, parent contact, email, etc), transcript information, class schedules with all grades(homework, projects, quizzes and tests) in their classes, MEAP data, CCR data and behavioral referrals. Teachers also have access to SMI (Scholastic Math Inventory) and SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) scores that show a student's current math and reading level. Our district also just purchased Next Navigator to help us with accessing the CCSS with our students.
In regards to FERPA and HIPPA, they are both important in protecting the rights and privacy of the student (as well as other individuals) and at the same time provide necessary information for the care and well-being of the student physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
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