Monday, June 4, 2012

Thing 4 -Communication Tools

So, here I am in the lower right hand corner chatting away with Kim-Hang.  This was my first time using Skype and I like it.   It's fun and easy to use and for the most part free to use.  Now I get the chance to see my little niece more often than a few times  a year via Skype.

I could see using this in my classroom with other teachers that teach math around the world.  It would be interesting to show in real time how math is taught in another country to my students.  Granted there would be a difference in time but there is always Canada right?   Maybe my students and myself will learn something new.  Plus using Skype is another tool for students that are absent to still be involved with the learning that takes place in the classroom.   No excuse for them to say they didn't get the homework problems.

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